Suzanne E. Hunt
B.A., M.P.A., J.D. | Partner

Suzanne Hunt is a Partner with the firm, joining Templeman LLP in 2009. Suzanne works in the firm’s Municipal and Labour & Employment departments as both a solicitor and a litigator. For 15 years before joining Templeman LLP, she was involved in a series of senior management positions in both the private and public sectors, in both unionized and non-unionized environments. Suzanne has significant experience in advising municipalities on issues relating to Council administration, codes of conduct, elections, business licensing, by-laws, drainage and general liability. On the employment side, she advises on strategic planning, restructuring, training and development, and performance management.
Suzanne holds degrees from Concordia University in Montreal (Bachelor of Arts) and Queen’s University in Kingston (Masters of Public Administration from the School of Policy Studies and Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the Faculty of Law). She also holds a Certificate in Industrial Relations from the School of Industrial Relations at Queen’s.
Suzanne is a Past-President of both the Belleville Chamber of Commerce and the Trenton Military Family Resource Centre and is currently a member of the Board of Directors for The Children’s Foundation. She is also a published author with both the Centre for Industrial Relations and the Faculty of Law at Queen’s University.
Suzanne is a member of the Law Society of Ontario, the Canadian Bar Association, the Hastings County Law Association and the Advocate’s Society.